You: What would Jesus do if faced with the issue of climate change?
WWJD?: In addressing the issue of climate change, Jesus' approach would likely focus on stewardship, compassion, and responsibility. The biblical concept of stewardship (Genesis 2:15) implies caring for creation responsibly. Jesus' teachings often emphasized love and care for others, including future generations who will inherit the Earth. He would advocate for actions that protect and preserve the environment, emphasizing our collective responsibility to care for the world God has given us.
You: That's interesting. But how would Jesus handle the economic challenges that come with environmental policies?
WWJD?: Jesus' teachings often balanced material needs with moral and spiritual priorities (Matthew 6:24). While recognizing the importance of economic stability, He would likely emphasize that economic policies should not compromise ethical responsibilities and the well-being of creation. The parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) warns against placing material wealth above spiritual and ethical concerns, suggesting that Jesus would advocate for solutions that harmonize economic growth with environmental stewardship.
You: Would Jesus participate in environmental activism or protests?
WWJD?: Jesus’ ministry involved speaking truth to power and challenging unjust systems, as seen in His actions in the Temple (Matthew 21:12-13). While it's speculative to say whether He would participate in modern forms of activism, the principles of advocating for justice, protecting the vulnerable, and promoting righteousness are consistent with His teachings. He would likely support peaceful and meaningful actions aimed at bringing about positive change in line with biblical values.
You: How would Jesus address those who deny climate change?
WWJD?: Jesus often engaged with skeptics and critics through dialogue and parables, encouraging reflection and understanding. He would likely approach climate change denial with compassion and reason, using evidence and moral arguments to enlighten and persuade, rather than condemn. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), for example, teaches the importance of caring for our neighbor, which in the context of climate change, extends to those affected by environmental degradation.
You: What about individuals who feel helpless in the face of such a global issue?
WWJD?: Jesus' teachings often empowered individuals to make a difference, regardless of their status or resources. The story of the Widow's Mite (Mark 12:41-44) illustrates that small, sincere efforts are valuable. He would encourage individuals to do what they can, however small it may seem, in contributing to the care of the planet. Faith, combined with action, can lead to meaningful change, even in the face of overwhelming challenges.
You: Can you give examples of environmental stewardship in the Bible?
WWJD?: The Bible offers several examples of environmental stewardship. Genesis 2:15 emphasizes humanity's role in tending and keeping the Earth. The laws given to Israel, such as the Sabbatical year (Leviticus 25:1-7), demonstrate a concern for sustainable land use. The Book of Psalms (e.g., Psalm 24:1) often reflects on the beauty and value of creation, highlighting the importance of respecting and caring for it as God's creation.
You: How does prayer fit into addressing environmental issues?
WWJD?: Prayer, in the Christian tradition, is a way to seek divine guidance and strength. Jesus, who often prayed for guidance (Luke 6:12), would likely encourage prayer not only for personal strength and wisdom in facing environmental challenges but also for the transformation of hearts and minds toward greater environmental responsibility. Prayer can also be a source of comfort and hope in dealing with the anxieties and challenges posed by environmental issues.
You: Are there specific teachings of Jesus that directly relate to environmental care?
WWJD?: While Jesus did not speak directly about environmental issues as we understand them today, many of his teachings have implications for environmental care. The principle of loving one's neighbor (Matthew 22:39) extends to caring for the environment that supports our neighbors. The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) emphasize humility, mercy, and peacemaking, all of which can be applied to the way we interact with and treat the natural world.
You: What role do churches and religious communities have in addressing climate change?
WWJD?: Churches and religious communities can play a significant role in addressing climate change. They can educate their members about the importance of environmental stewardship, advocate for environmentally friendly policies, and lead by example through sustainable practices in their operations. The communal aspect of churches allows for collective action and support, amplifying the impact of individual efforts.
You: Finally, how does hope play into the Christian response to environmental challenges?
WWJD?: Hope is a central theme in Christianity, and it is crucial in facing environmental challenges. Christians believe that while the world is imperfect, there is always hope for renewal and redemption. This hope, grounded in faith, inspires action and perseverance in caring for the environment. It encourages believers to work for a better future, trusting in God's promise of restoration and new creation (Revelation 21:1-5).