Here are some possible ways and online tools that can help households save money:
Shop online and use coupons or promo codes: Shopping online can help you compare prices, avoid impulse buying, and save on gas and parking. You can also use coupons or promo codes to get discounts on your purchases. Some online tools that can help you find and apply coupons or promo codes are:
PayPal Honey: This browser extension automatically finds and applies coupons or promo codes at checkout1.
RetailMeNot: This website offers a large collection of coupons, promo codes, and cashback offers for various online and in-store retailers 2.
Rakuten: This website offers cashback rewards, coupons, and deals for over 2,500 online stores 2.
Automate your savings: Setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account can help you save money without much effort. You can also use apps or bots that analyze your spending patterns and save small amounts of money for you. Some online tools that can help you automate your savings are:
Digit: This app analyzes your checking account and automatically saves small amounts of money for you based on your income and spending patterns 3.
Qapital: This app lets you set up savings rules and goals, such as rounding up your purchases or saving a percentage of your income 3.
Long Game: This app rewards you with coins that you can use to play games and win cash prizes when you save money in a FDIC-insured account 3.
Track your budget and expenses: Keeping track of your income and expenses can help you identify where your money is going and where you can cut costs. You can also use apps or websites that help you create and manage your budget, monitor your bills, and get personalized tips to save money. Some online tools that can help you track your budget and expenses are:
Mint: This app helps you create and track your budget, manage your bills, monitor your credit score, and get personalized tips to save money 4.
You Need a Budget: This app helps you assign every dollar a job, follow the four rules of budgeting, and achieve your financial goals 4.
Personal Capital: This website helps you track your net worth, budget, investments, retirement plan, and more 4.